Text Box: Town Pier 1997  Wellfleet, Cape Cod

I can’t imagine a visit to Wellfleet without at least one visit to the Town Pier. Sooner or later we end up here eating ice cream and watching the fishing boats being unloaded, or readied, or a tuna being loaded into a truck for the start of a trip to Japan, or watching people fishing with varying degrees of success - unless there happens to be a bluefish feeding frenzy, or in my case, drawing.

I always scout out a boat drawing but there weren’t many options on this day in 1997. I usually need at least a couple of days so if it looks at all like the boats I’m drawing will be going out soon it makes no sense to start drawing them only to find the subjects have left. I’ve come back to finish more than one drawing only to find that it’s not there any more. I had decided not to do any drawing when I realized that I had admired these two boats for awhile even though they were much smaller and lacked the weathered charm of a lot of the others. 

I’ve tried to be able to do very detailed drawings that include every possible detail but also keep the option to do what I think of as a complicated sketch. I think this one falls in that category. I did come back more than once but only to convince myself that I was done.

This is the place where it first became evident that Adam wanted to catch a fish. He was about two and was fascinated with someone fishing off the pier. He obviously wanted to join in. I found a little wooden fish wrapped with fishing line that ended in a dull hook and we unspooled it over the side. He was overjoyed in spite of the fact that the tide was out and the hook got nowhere near the water. He still fishes off the pier when he’s here.

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Text Box: Email   neil@borrellcompany.com

All material copyright 2016 Neil Borrell
