Arc de Triomphe  Paris  October, 1974

Text Box: I included this drawing in its original form as part of the backstory of Chapter 5. I’ve always liked its free feeling but I didn’t like the fact that it was tilted to the right, so I’ve repaired it.

This was our first trip to Europe after Amy was born. She was fifteen months old and we brought a ton of things for her. We brought two suitcases for her and one for the two of us. I remember having to send half of the Pampers back with my parents at the airport. 

I usually remember exactly where I was sitting or standing for each drawing but I’m not sure about this one. I think it was from an outdoor café table but the angle looks like that couldn’t be. In any case I like the freeness and openness it makes me feel. I wasn’t as deliberate with my lines then, maybe partly because Gerry was walking around with little Amy in a kind of harness.

The original is below. You can see the tilt which always ruined it for me. I’m very careful with up and down now. There’s nothing wrong with tilting stuff but you have to want to.

All material copyright 2011 Neil Borrell

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