Lillian C  Wellfleet  June, 1977

Text Box: This drawing was done on our second or third visit to Wellfleet on Cape Cod. I’ve been accused of trying to include every pebble and feature in my drawings. I think I’m much better at editing now but the original version of this always seemed too much even to me. The fishing boat also seemed to be drawn in weird perspective. 

I still think there are probably too many lines especially in the water but I’ve lightened it, foreground more than background, and straightened out the boat. 

In the past I thought that there was something wrong or untrue with changing a drawing like this but I’ve come to the realization that it’s always just me working on my own drawings.

The original is below.

All material copyright 2011 Neil Borrell

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Text Box: Welcome to Chapter 58 of neilink.  

Last month’s chapter featured a drawing that I never really liked until I made some repairs. I couldn’t have fixed that drawing when I drew it but I can now.

This month’s drawing is another one that I think I’ve rescued.

Neil Borrell