Old Fishing Boat Over Time, Wellfleet

 Close Ups


1980 This one really got beat up in three years. I wasn’t sure if it was even the same vessel until I got up close and saw that the deckhouse had been flipped over backwards.

Text Box: Time Passes, Wellfleet, continued

Here are two studies of the same derelict boat done three years apart. As of 2007 there was still a remnant but it was only visible when the tide was out.

The first time I ran into aged and abandoned boats was on the Atlantic coast of France in the 70’s. We had rented a house in Brittany and there were three or four really old fishing boats sitting in the shallows at the foot of the cliff behind the house. I decided that the Nazis had run them aground during World War II but maybe this was a universal way to dispose of a worn out boat before the effect on the environment was considered. 

In the late 70’s I drove through what was becoming Liberty State Park in New Jersey and we passed what seemed like a mile of used wooden vessels of every type and size rotting on the shore. I wanted to draw every one of them. I made up my mind to at least return an take pictures but I never went back. I’m sure that area is pristine now.

1977                                             The Congregational Church. The clock tower rings ship’s time.                                        1980

Here’s what was left in 2007. I made the Congregational Church closer in the drawings.

The circle marks the boat in this postcard photo of Indian Harbor cottages  in the 60’s

Amy with the 44 bluefish that we let some fisherman leave on the grass in 1977.

Amy’s daughter Hazel on the porch of the same house in 2007. She likes to lounge around with her feet up on the high chair tray.

All material copyright 2016 Neil Borrell


Text Box: Email   neil@borrellcompany.com